Sunday, September 19, 2010


Cyberbullying is quite common nowadays where people of any ages get profusely harassed in chatrooms or emails. There are many reasons why Cyberbullying may happen. Sometimes, cyberbullies may just want to harass people for fun and appear anonymous. Other reasons for Cyberbullying are revenge, bored, frustration, accidental, social standings, for laughs, to get a reaction, motivated by anger or defending themselves. It may result in the victim being upset, depressed, afraid and embarrassed. When it happens to one, he or she should talk to an adult or a trusted friend and not keep it to his or herself. He should try to stay away from it and not to the bully as it may result in more harassment.I have learnt from this topic on how to manage ourselves when we meet a cyberbully and that we have to consult our parents or a close friend and not keep it all to ourselves as it may eventually lead to depression and deproving of grades.

Internet Addiction:
Internet addiction usually happens to youths like us who uses the Internet more often. Internet addiction disorder (IAD) is defined as the excessive use of a computer that eventually interferes with daily life. The Internet can act as a deterrent to society for an individual, providing the individual with avenues out of normal social expectations. Some features of internet addiction is using online services everyday without any skipping, losing track of time after making a connection, going out less and less, spending less and less time on meals at home or at work, and eating in front of the monitor, checking on the mailbox too many times a day, thinking you have the greatest website in the world and dying to give people your URL, logging onto the Net while already busy at work, sneaking online when spouse or family members are not at home, with a sense of relief. I have learnt from this lesson that we should learn self management and discipline. We should know how to control ourselves from using the computer and manage the time we use the computer.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our School’s GRACE values:

Godliness- Although many of us may not be Christians, having godliness is not only by pleasing god. It Godliness means by being virtuous and upright and doing the right thing even though no one is looking. By having godliness, we will be able to trust each other in doing the right thing

Respect- To be respected by others, we must first respect the people around us. In our school, we respect each other. We respect our teachers, our friends and even the cleaners. We were taught since primary school the different values we must have including respect. If we do not respect each other, the world will not be a very nice place to live in.

All-round excellence- All round excellence is by doing our best in everything that we do and putting in the effort in doing it. By wanting to do well in something, we must first work very hard and put in a lot of effort in doing it right. There are many things in life that we can do well in like our studies and our attitude towards anything that we do. In our studies, we can study very hard to obtain our highest results and by doing exercises and practices. But being good in our studies alone is not enough. We must have the right attitude in everything that we do and not complain about every thing. We can strive to be resilient and innovative at times to contribute our ideas when doing teamwork.

Commitment- When a role is assigned to us, we must be dedicated to it and do it to the maximum although the job may be not very pleasing. We must be responsible with whatever other people entrust to us and put in our best to do it. By being committed we will be able to achieve many things as we may gain experience throughout whatever that we do and some of them may be new experiences that we may not attempt in the past.

Enthusiasm- We can choose to be enthusiastic in everything that we do and be happy with everything as by doing that, we can unknowingly bring hope and joy to other people that we work with. Enthusiasm is very important in our lives as by being enthusiastic, we can find ourselves happier when doing anything and not grumble about the assignments or tasks that are given to us.